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matthews beacon

Matthews Morning Minute: October 9, 2018

News About Town: The Town Council meeting went late, as all council meetings with planning portions do. The council discussed a variety of topics from officially recognizing Community Planning Month to addressing speeds, pedestrian safety, and the crosswalk between Matthews Station Street and Brakeman’s. Joe Padilla, Executive Public Policy Director for REBIC, and Bob Henderson, the lawyer for the Brigmans (who own most of the undeveloped property in the Entertainment District Small Area Plan), politely requested the town defer approval of the Small Area Plan Overlays. The board approved the deferral.

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News Around Town: On Monday a vehicle crash on South Trade Street caused a natural gas leak. Matthews Police Department, Matthews Fire and EMS, and Matthews Citizen Volunteers were called to the scene. For a lengthy time South Trade was closed from Country Place Drive to Main Street. Matthews PD rerouted cars to Fullwood Lane and East John Street during the clean up.

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One Fun Thing: Kids in Nature Day is back this Saturday, October 13 from 10 AM til 1 PM at Squirrel Lake Park. Join Habitat and Wildlife Keepers, the Town of Matthews, and the NC Wildlife Federation for fishing, STEM activities, learn about animals and enjoy all sorts of nature exploration. Be prepared to have fun and get dirty! Squirrel Lake Park, 1631 Pleasant Plains Road, Matthews, NC.

The Last Train Stop in Town

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

When the CSX freight train rides through Matthews Center, people often stop and stare in wonderment and joy. This is a slice of Americana – a harkening back to a time when freight was or could only be delivered by this method. Children often wave to the conductor; many people count train cars (often nearing 100). Automobiles are forced to stop and wait for the gate to lift and the flashing lights/signal to stop. In this way, a simple occurrence becomes an occasion, every day all across the country.

As the train exits town moving toward Charlotte, passersby may not realize that one or two train cars or flatbeds have been diverted to a short rail owned and operated by the Matthews Building Supply – the last train stop in town and one that’s been in existence for nearly 50 years.

According to George McMillen, buyer for the company, the train delivers more than one dozen drops/year. “In our industry, it’s very helpful; you can (also) get better pricing this way,” he said referencing that using trucks or automobiles to transport and delivery is less cost-effective and often less consistent. He orders approximately two weeks in advance of need and waits 2-4 weeks for it to be delivered.

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

On this day, McMillen is overseeing a flatbed full of (100,000 board feet of) lumber from the Teal Jones Company located in the Northwest. He said the company works hard to immediately unload the freight, to not incur any penalties/charges. MBS owns and is responsible for maintaining the track (and mowing the grass around it) from nearby North Ames to the portion which ends on their land.

“This is an integral part of our business and another device for getting (materials) here,” he said.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 27, 2018

News About Town: If you’re already making plans for the weekend, make time to meet the Matthews Board of Commissioners for coffee and conversation this Saturday (September 29) at 9:00 a.m. at Bruegger's Bagels (1905 Matthews Township Parkway). These gatherings are a great way to bend an ear of our local leaders and get the firsthand scoop on things going on with the Town of Matthews.

Native asters to brighten a humid day.

Native asters to brighten a humid day.

News Above Town: The Weather Channel says there’s a 90% chance of rain so grab the closest umbrella.

News Around Town: While we’re on the subject of the weekend, this Friday is the last Food Truck Friday of the season. You can’t go wrong with any of the trucks, but our friend Lynn sings high praise for Yummi Banh Mi. The Entertainers will get you dancing after you’ve filled up your belly. If you’re a drinker and plan on visiting the beer tent, bring your ID, they card. Trucks start serving at 5 and event goers will already be in line.

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One Good Thing: Matthews is a town with a giving heart, as evidenced by the incredible nonprofits based in our town. Thompson Child and Family Focus is one such nonprofit. Founded in 1886 as an orphanage, Thompson now serves at-risk children and families from four campuses. Using therapy, education and prevention-based care, in 2017 Thompson served 12,811 clients and provided 225 full-time jobs.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 6, 2018


News About Town: The Cottage Greenway Project goes before the Board of Adjustment next Thursday (Sepember 13). Town Public Works department has recommended construction of a private road for the subdivision. According to the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance, all streets must be dedicated public. The quasi-judicial Board of Adjustment must determine several findings before approving or denying the request for variance.


News Above Town: The Weather Channel says we’re heading back to the 90s, but don’t start singing Pearl Jam yet. The evenings take us back to the low 70s.

News Around Town: It’s time for the September First Thursday Matthews Crawl. Check out the vendors on the green in front of town hall, then hit up Moe’s BBQ for a Thanksgiving Sandwich or $1.25 ribs.

One Fun Thing: The monarchs are here! Monarchs migrate in the spring and again in the fall. It’s not quite fall, but a few have been spotted around town on their way to Mexico. How’d they know Matthews is a pit stop on the Butterfly Highway?

Matthews Morning Minute: September 5, 2018

News About Town: Just on the heels of the John Street widening project, NCDOT unveiled their plans to widen Highway 51 between Sardis Road and John Street. This is the first phase of a widening plan that will extend to Mint Hill. NCDOT’s goal is to improve traffic flow with the most current designs, including a continuous flow intersection. Neighbors through the corridor are left with uncertainty about their homes.


News Above Town:  The Weather Channel shows highs in the upper 80s and lows around 70. Don’t turn off the AC yet.

News Around Town: Baked Well’s made-from-scratch Cookies for Claire satisfy your sweet tooth and your desire to do good deeds. Fifty percent of each cookie sale goes to Claire’s Army, a non-profit that supports families fighting childhood cancer and your desire to do good deeds. (Image from Baked Well’s Facebook page)

Open Tuesday thru Sunday, 7 AM - 2 PM; 10915 Monroe Rd. Suite D, Matthews


One Fun Thing:  Head out to the Sportsplex for an international match as Charlotte Independence hosts six-time Liga MX champions, Club Santos Laguna.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018; 7:30 PM until; 2425 Sports Parkway, Matthews;  $30+.

Allen Tate's Tina Whitley, A Matthews Staple

I have another #PreserveMatthewsLocalBizInterview for you today! This one is with Tina Breese Whitley, a realtor with Allen Tate Matthews. I've known Tina since I was a teenager and we recently reconnected at a Town Hall event. To say she's a Matthews staple would be an understatement.

Tina Whitey, Realtor, NC & SC
Allen Tate Co.
101 E Matthews St, Ste 100, Matthews, NC 28105

Tina Whitley, Allen Tate Rookie of the Year. Photo via Facebook.

Tina Whitley, Allen Tate Rookie of the Year. Photo via Facebook.

Share a little background/introduction about you: I have been in Matthews for over 30 years, owning my own business, working at BB&T and the Director of the Matthews Chamber of Commerce for over 13 years while raising 3 children and being active in the local community. I am at the Matthews office with Allen Tate but can help buyers and sellers all over the region in NC and SC. My goal is to help as many people as I can and Real Estate allows me to do that daily! I am also involved in Kiwanis, Matthews Executive Group and the Chamber of Commerce. And since Tina is too modest to include this, I'll brag on her a bit: she was recently named the Allen Tate Rookie of the Year Award for the Charlotte Region.

What brought you to establish a business in Matthews? The good schools, lifestyle and great people. The business community is thriving and supportive of local businesses.

What do you believe makes Matthews special? What does the phrase “Preserve Matthews” mean to you? Matthews is fortunate to have leaders and residents who care about the town and want to see it maintain it's small town character. I have been working with the Town and businesses for 30 years and know that the people will work together to help keep the quality of life that we treasure.


What attracts people to the neighborhoods close to downtown Matthews? People who enjoy and want to live in Matthews want to be within walking distance of downtown! It is a very popular town and the amenities for adults and families are wonderful! Parks, greenways, playgrounds, concerts in the park, movies, restaurants, bars, breweries, history, and more!

What’s another business in Matthews you love to support? The non-profits I support 100% are the Matthews Help Center, The Free Medical Clinic and COS Kids. They have formed an alliance and are doing great work!!

Do you have any promos or specials you'd like to offer to Preserve Matthews Community Members? Please call me for any Real Estate or town questions!! I can offer you a free Market Analysis for your home!

This interview was originally posted on Preserve Matthews' Facebook page. Images courtesy Tina’s real estate Facebook page.

Welcome to the Beacon!

Norah Burke, Co-Founder and Business Manager

Norah Burke, Co-Founder and Business Manager

Six months ago we sat down and talked about our experiences in Matthews. After Norah's campaign for Town Council last year and Renee's foray into community activism, we knew there was a need for better communication. We decided to launch The Matthews Beacon as an online "paper" with contributing Matthews writers and photographers and a Matthews-specific focus. Why so hyper-local? There is a specific brand of pride that goes with living in Matthews. It's not just another suburb, and we're not the cookie cutter suburbanites of the '50s. Matthews is a diverse town with a rich history, one locals work diligently to maintain amidst modern pressure for growth and development.

We asked ourselves: "What is Matthews' identity?" Is it the agrarian history, the meandering neighborhoods, could it even be the traffic? How has Matthews remained

We asked ourselves, “What is Matthews’ identity?” How has Matthews remained Matthews, snuggled right up against the largest city in North Carolina? Most importantly, where can you find the amazing stories and individual voices of the people who make up the Matthews community?

Matthews, snuggled right up against the largest city in North Carolina?  What is the structure of our town government and how can we share what we've learned about the complexities that keep things running? Where can you go for in depth, unbiased information about local issues? Most importantly, where can you find the amazing stories and individual voices of the people who make up the Matthews community?

We'll publish unique posts daily.  Expect to start the day with a few small bites about what's going on in our Matthews Morning Minute series. Throughout the day we'll publish short segments, pieces that will introduce you to your neighbors. We'll present feature stories and town news, cover local events, and provide an examination of important issues of Matthews in one central place.

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Between Norah's experience in business management and Renee's creative talent and 10+ years of blogging for self-promotion, we hope to provide an interesting, quality alternative newspaper focusing solely on Matthews.