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Matthews Morning Minute: September 6, 2018


News About Town: The Cottage Greenway Project goes before the Board of Adjustment next Thursday (Sepember 13). Town Public Works department has recommended construction of a private road for the subdivision. According to the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance, all streets must be dedicated public. The quasi-judicial Board of Adjustment must determine several findings before approving or denying the request for variance.


News Above Town: The Weather Channel says we’re heading back to the 90s, but don’t start singing Pearl Jam yet. The evenings take us back to the low 70s.

News Around Town: It’s time for the September First Thursday Matthews Crawl. Check out the vendors on the green in front of town hall, then hit up Moe’s BBQ for a Thanksgiving Sandwich or $1.25 ribs.

One Fun Thing: The monarchs are here! Monarchs migrate in the spring and again in the fall. It’s not quite fall, but a few have been spotted around town on their way to Mexico. How’d they know Matthews is a pit stop on the Butterfly Highway?