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The People of Matthews: The Wrights

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

New Matthews transplants Kelly Wright and son (from Ithaca, NY), looking at the Seaboard train for the first time while waiting for the library to open. Her reason for choosing to live in Matthews: "We love the downtown area; it has a small town feel - great architecture." 

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Matthews Morning Minute: September 19, 2018

News About Town: In very last minute news, this morning the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board of Education is hosting a breakfast for Town Councils from Mecklenburg County municipalities. As the first meeting between town boards and the school board since the Municipal Concerns Act was passed, tensions may be high. However, School Board member Elyse Dashew remains optimistic. “Sometimes it can be very hard to collaborate and solve problems together, but that is exactly what our constituents deserve and expect of us. This breakfast is designed to be a step forward in that process.”

This is a public meeting, but there will be no public comment period. September 19, 8:30 AM, Room 267 of the Government Center.

Since it’s a teacher work day, the kids are home, and we’ll all be busy making homemade ink. It is unclear if minutes or a recording will be available after the meeting.

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News Above Town: Seems like a broken record, but it’s going to be another hot and humid day with highs around 89. The silver lining? The umbrella gets to stay put.

News Around Town: If you haven’t cleaned up the fallen twigs and branches yet, the county has guidelines for yard waste curb collection. Please be courteous to neighbors and don’t block the sidewalk or street. If you can, bag leaves and smaller sticks in heavy-duty paper bags available specifically for yard waste. These bags can go straight into the composting piles at Compost Central, eliminating single-use plastic waste. Plastic bags should be clear or the top must remain open so waste collectors can see the contents. Bags must weigh less than 50 pounds each, and there is a 20 bag limit per week per residence. Have branches trimmed shorter than 4 feet long and less than 5 inches thick. Stack limbs in small piles for easy collection. Remember, it’s not the Hulk picking up our yard waste.

Forage the greenway for walnuts and make some ink today.

Forage the greenway for walnuts and make some ink today.

One Good Thing: If you bought extra bottled water with the intention of returning it, be aware that many stores may provide a refund but are obligated to then throw the water away. If you can afford to, donate your bottled water to an area nonprofit. Rainbow Express Ministries at Matthews United Methodist Church will gladly accept sealed, unused bottles of water. To arrange a donation, email Allie Little,, or call 704-517-9335.

Matthews Morning Minute, September 12, 2018

News About Town: All eyes are on Florence. FEMA has a thorough list for preparations. has information regarding all of North Carolina. Locally, stay updated with CharMeck Alerts.

ReadyNC has an app where you can follow developments of Hurricane Florence.

ReadyNC has an app where you can follow developments of Hurricane Florence.

News Above Town: They keep saying thunderstorms, but we’ve only had a few rumbles. What will tomorrow bring? Humidity for sure, and maybe scattered thunderstorms.  Temps will reach the upper 80s. The big question is, what will Thursday bring?

News Around Town: The forecast has us avoiding the worst of the storm, but that hasn’t stopped residents from rushing for supplies. It’s breaking news when a lucky few find bread, water, or gasoline.


One Good Thing: ​Tickets are available for Blues & BBQ, an annual fundraiser for COS Kids, October 5. COS Kids fills a niche in Matthews by offering affordable full day childcare. Blues & BBQ supports the efforts to provide safe, accessible child care for single parents through an evening of lively music and delicious fare.

The Exchange Pizza Depot

The unassuming Exchange Pizza Depot is set back on Trade St. in Matthews, nestled between Seaboard and the Cigar shop.

The unassuming Exchange Pizza Depot is set back on Trade St. in Matthews, nestled between Seaboard and the Cigar shop.

Around the turn of the century, two sisters lived at 213 N. Trade Street, manning the switchboards for the local phone company.  By 1954, the phone company needed a place for their dial-up equipment and that same piece of real estate found new life. But, after falling into disrepair for many subsequent years, that life was resurrected this year in the form of The Exchange Pizza Depot.

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“There’s plenty of room in town for (all of us). If my pizza is (good), they won’t be going elsewhere.

Enter Brendan Ciganek, former pizza shop franchisee owner and chef and a “friend of a friend of the owner.”

Hired to run the new pizza place (as adjunct to the owners’ next-door wine room, Seaboard), Brendan has found his “slice of the woods” in this business housed in the 14’x22’ foot building he can nearly call his own.

In addition to a staple of mostly Neapolitan-style pizzas (two of which are named after the owner’s daughters), Brendan has been free to not only write the menu, design the space and hire the staff, but to experiment with ideas and foods from around the world.

Pollo Con Crema (chicken, onion, bell pepper, tangy creamy sauce), Heatza (Cajun chicken, spicy red sauce, jalapeños, Sriracha drizzle), Tomato Pesto (with roasted brussels sprouts, red onion, sun-dried tomatoes), and Mashed Potato (with mixed cheese, bacon and garlic butter), Tikka Masala (tomato, cream, curry) are just a few of his many personal creations.

Photo credit: Cyma Shapiro

Photo credit: Cyma Shapiro

“I asked friends what they were eating,” he said,” got ideas from vendors at the Farmer’s Market and from international cuisines. He asked the employees who work there, patrons and his online friends, as well.

“My regular menu is a crowd pleaser,” he says, adding that the weekly (or so) special pizzas “may not be for everyone but are (a chance) to have fun with and appeal to some people.”

Among his special touches are tomatoes and flour from Italy, buffalo milk cheese and some regular produce from the Farmer’s Market. In addition, he grows basil and a few other things around the two restaurants.

And, as Matthews continues to grow and pizza competition gets even more heated, he said he’ll stick to what he believes:“There’s plenty of room in town for (all of us). If my pizza is (good), they won’t be going elsewhere.”

Exchange Pizza Depot

213 N. Trade Street, Matthews

Monday thru Wednesday: 5 PM - 9 PM

Thursday thru Sunday: 12 PM  - 10 PM

Matthews Morning Minute: September 6, 2018


News About Town: The Cottage Greenway Project goes before the Board of Adjustment next Thursday (Sepember 13). Town Public Works department has recommended construction of a private road for the subdivision. According to the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance, all streets must be dedicated public. The quasi-judicial Board of Adjustment must determine several findings before approving or denying the request for variance.


News Above Town: The Weather Channel says we’re heading back to the 90s, but don’t start singing Pearl Jam yet. The evenings take us back to the low 70s.

News Around Town: It’s time for the September First Thursday Matthews Crawl. Check out the vendors on the green in front of town hall, then hit up Moe’s BBQ for a Thanksgiving Sandwich or $1.25 ribs.

One Fun Thing: The monarchs are here! Monarchs migrate in the spring and again in the fall. It’s not quite fall, but a few have been spotted around town on their way to Mexico. How’d they know Matthews is a pit stop on the Butterfly Highway?

Matthews Morning Minute: September 5, 2018

News About Town: Just on the heels of the John Street widening project, NCDOT unveiled their plans to widen Highway 51 between Sardis Road and John Street. This is the first phase of a widening plan that will extend to Mint Hill. NCDOT’s goal is to improve traffic flow with the most current designs, including a continuous flow intersection. Neighbors through the corridor are left with uncertainty about their homes.


News Above Town:  The Weather Channel shows highs in the upper 80s and lows around 70. Don’t turn off the AC yet.

News Around Town: Baked Well’s made-from-scratch Cookies for Claire satisfy your sweet tooth and your desire to do good deeds. Fifty percent of each cookie sale goes to Claire’s Army, a non-profit that supports families fighting childhood cancer and your desire to do good deeds. (Image from Baked Well’s Facebook page)

Open Tuesday thru Sunday, 7 AM - 2 PM; 10915 Monroe Rd. Suite D, Matthews


One Fun Thing:  Head out to the Sportsplex for an international match as Charlotte Independence hosts six-time Liga MX champions, Club Santos Laguna.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018; 7:30 PM until; 2425 Sports Parkway, Matthews;  $30+.