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Morning Minute: Monday, May 13, 2019

News About Town: We’ve already mentioned the Budget Presentation and the Town’s motion to rezone several properties. The evening will be action-packed (read: long) at the Board of Commissioner’s meeting. There’s a public hearing for rezoning property adjacent to Butler High School, an update from the Planning Board followed by council members voting on (or deferring) a few rezonings, technology reimbursements, and discussion of a hairy issue about the Town taking over a private street at the residents’ request.

News Around Town: Beach Fest was called off early this year due to rain. Matthews has received 1.72 inches of rain in the past week. The heaviest rainfall for the month fell on Saturday, when the rain gauge at Matthews Elementary calculated 1.17 inches. The rainfall for May thus far is nearly 3 inches.

One Fun Thing:  Save the date for the last Matthews Concert Band of the season: Around the World in 60 Minutes. (Taking wagers on whether it'll end in an Andy Rooney impersonation.) This free concert is this Thursday, May 16, 7:30 p.m., at the Matthews Community Center (100 McDowell Street) in the Fullwood Theater. The 60+ member band fills the stage with talent and fills the auditorium with incredible sounds. Don't miss out.

Morning Minute: Monday, April 1, 2019

News About Town: The Great Easter Egg Expedition begins this Friday, April 5, and runs through Sunday, April 21. In the past the Town has hosted an egg hunt at Stumptown Park, but this year they’re going bigger and better by hiding several thousand eggs throughout town parks (Stumptown, Squirrel Lake, Windsor, and Sardis Parks) and Four-Mile Creek Greenway (between John Street and Chesney Glen). The eggs will contain toys and the chance to win bigger prizes if you find a Golden Egg. Consider it a town-wide game of Gamete-mon Go!

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News Around Town: Angelica Figueroa, a certified financial coach with Sharonview Credit Union, will be on hand this Wednesday at the Matthews Library to talk about planning your financial future. The class, Money Smart Week: Steps to Financial Freedom, will be from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

One Good Thing: Even though the weather has been nice, we’re not out of the woods with frost yet. There are a couple of days calling for low 30s in the evenings (like last night). If you’ve already caved and started your summer annual crops…let’s be honest, tomatoes are super tempting to plant right now…make sure you have a method to protect them from the kiss of cold.


Morning Minute: Wednesday, February 27, 2019

News About Town:  Representatives from the County Tax Assessors office will be at the Sportsplex (2425 Sports Parkway) tomorrow (Thursday, February 28) from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. to discuss the recent property revaluations. Both tax assessors and appraisal staff from Mecklenburg County will be there for residents to present questions and learn about property tax resources. 

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News Around Town: If it feels like we’re getting a lot of rain, well, we are. According to the USGS rain gauge at Matthews Elementary, Matthews has received 9.37 inches of rain since January 1. According to the National Weather Service Forecast, the Charlotte area averages 3.41 inches in January and 3.32 in February. If it's too early for math, we're already 2.64 inches above average. According to the site, August is typically our rainiest month averaging 4.22 inches. 

One Fun Thing: We, at the Beacon, love supporting good works. If you are a member of a non-profit and have an event you would like listed on our calendar or possibly covered in the Morning Minute, we want to know about it. We also love hearing story suggestions, digging into research about Matthews topics, and are exuberant over editorials. Send them our way!

Morning Minute: Tuesday, December 11, 2017

News About Town: Matthews Board of Commissioners met with Planning and Administrative staff to discuss the Light Industrial zoning of the Stronghaven warehouse constructed in 1960 and located at 433 East John Street. The Board voted to begin the process of rezoning the property, a state-listed brownfield site, to R-12 Residential.

News Around Town: Despite minimal precipitation, the ice storm wreaked havoc around Matthews. According to the Duke Energy Outages page, there are still numerous power outages in Matthews. Several frustrated Beacon employees lost internet from downed lines, causing a lapse in Matthews news and bad Beacon puns for most of Monday.


One Fun Thing: This Thursday, December 13, take an evening to escape the holiday hustle and join Elinor Edvi-Miller, yogi and life coach, to find your state of mindfulness. The evening will consist of an interactive talk teaching practical and easy-to-use tips to pave your way into mindfulness. Matthews Community Center, Room 104, 100 McDowell Street, 7:30-9 p.m.

Matthews Morning Minute, September 12, 2018

News About Town: All eyes are on Florence. FEMA has a thorough list for preparations. has information regarding all of North Carolina. Locally, stay updated with CharMeck Alerts.

ReadyNC has an app where you can follow developments of Hurricane Florence.

ReadyNC has an app where you can follow developments of Hurricane Florence.

News Above Town: They keep saying thunderstorms, but we’ve only had a few rumbles. What will tomorrow bring? Humidity for sure, and maybe scattered thunderstorms.  Temps will reach the upper 80s. The big question is, what will Thursday bring?

News Around Town: The forecast has us avoiding the worst of the storm, but that hasn’t stopped residents from rushing for supplies. It’s breaking news when a lucky few find bread, water, or gasoline.


One Good Thing: ​Tickets are available for Blues & BBQ, an annual fundraiser for COS Kids, October 5. COS Kids fills a niche in Matthews by offering affordable full day childcare. Blues & BBQ supports the efforts to provide safe, accessible child care for single parents through an evening of lively music and delicious fare.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 7, 2018


News About Town: The Town is currently updating AV equipment in the Hood Room of Town Hall. AV updates were approved during the June 25, 2018 Board of Commissioners meeting.  Included in this update is the capacity to video record Board of Commissioner meetings which will then be posted on the Town’s YouTube channel. The  update will make Town Council meetings more accessible to those unable to attend them live.

News Above Town: The Weather Channel says more of the same...highs in the low 90s, lows around 70. It's going to be sunny, so if you didn't take time to enjoy the gorgeous sky yesterday, make sure you pause to look up today. The blue skies are limited edition over the next couple days.  


News Around Town: ​ Great Harvest Bread opened September 3 in Matthews Station and there’s no denying the call of the carb. Open Monday thru Sunday, 7 AM til 3 PM, 110 Matthews Station St, Matthews.

One Good Thing: Did you know Matthews is home to Bright Blessings? Through volunteers and supporters, Bright Blessings, a non-profit organization serving the greater Charlotte region, will provide essentials, literacy aids, and birthday parties to more than 10,000 homeless and impoverished children this year.