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Matthews Concert Band

Morning Minute: Monday, May 13, 2019

News About Town: We’ve already mentioned the Budget Presentation and the Town’s motion to rezone several properties. The evening will be action-packed (read: long) at the Board of Commissioner’s meeting. There’s a public hearing for rezoning property adjacent to Butler High School, an update from the Planning Board followed by council members voting on (or deferring) a few rezonings, technology reimbursements, and discussion of a hairy issue about the Town taking over a private street at the residents’ request.

News Around Town: Beach Fest was called off early this year due to rain. Matthews has received 1.72 inches of rain in the past week. The heaviest rainfall for the month fell on Saturday, when the rain gauge at Matthews Elementary calculated 1.17 inches. The rainfall for May thus far is nearly 3 inches.

One Fun Thing:  Save the date for the last Matthews Concert Band of the season: Around the World in 60 Minutes. (Taking wagers on whether it'll end in an Andy Rooney impersonation.) This free concert is this Thursday, May 16, 7:30 p.m., at the Matthews Community Center (100 McDowell Street) in the Fullwood Theater. The 60+ member band fills the stage with talent and fills the auditorium with incredible sounds. Don't miss out.