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2810[high]5: Vacancies in Downtown Matthews

Downtown Matthews is, without a doubt, one of the hottest spots in the Charlotte area for an evening of food and drink. During several recent presentations, however, we’ve heard there are no vacancies in the Downtown area. We did some digging to see if that is, in fact true.

Good news for those of you interested in buying, renting, or leasing! There are more than a handful of vacant spaces in downtown.Below are five options in the Downtown District as defined by the Town Planning department.

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BB&T: When the closure of the John St. BB&T was announced, staff cited the widening of John Street as one of the reasons the company closed this location. According to the County Polaris, Wilkinson Properties c/o BB&T owns this property. They’re tough to get a hold of, but the building has been vacant since late 2018. There have been a few breweries interested in opening in Downtown Matthews…maybe one will land here?
Built in 1973, the 4,701 square foot space is zoned B-1.

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Ames Station: Certainly the biggest vacancy in the downtown area, Ames Station is ripe for creative development. The size alone is an artist’s dream. The price of rent in downtown Matthews is not. The owner will lease subdivided areas, but the overall building is 32,635 square feet and zoned I-1.

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The Old Library: A building with an interesting history and a modern design, this spot has weathered the seasons but hasn’t weathered rezoning. Most recently a brewery approached Council to rezone for a brewery and beer garden. The idea was not well-received. Most interestingly heavy metal music was mentioned more than once. (The brewery is now in Harrisburg.) The 1957 building is 3,594 square feet, and zoned B-1.

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Griffin Square: Perhaps the most retail-friendly space available, again the rent might be prohibitive to a small business owner. Griffin Square is conveniently located across from Stumptown Park and is highly visible during festivals. With that visibility in mind, this vacancy might be filled before we get this post up.

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Traditional office spaces: Several spots around downtown are available for lease as traditional office space. These properties appear to be more affordable than spaces that would be more retail-friendly. The office available through the Nichols Company is at the corner of Trade and East Matthews and is part of the HUC zoning. The other, available through Mark Real Estate, is at the intersection of Ames and West Matthews and is zoned O.

Setting the Stage for Selling Your Home

Home staging by Stage It!

Home staging by Stage It!

When Realtor Karen B. Mendenhall entered the real estate business in 1993, she envisioned working alongside her husband in the field forever.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) surveys show 77% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.

However, by 2005, she saw an opportunity to capitalize on both her love of furnishings and her love of real estate by entering the field of home staging. Around since the 70s, home staging has gained popularity in recent decades thanks to the proliferation of real estate reality TV shows. The goal of staging is to make the home appealing for a faster sale and, theoretically, for more money. In home staging, a variety of techniques are used, ranging from adding furniture and accessories to painting and renovations. The end goal is to give potential buyers a more attractive impression of the property. “It is a fallacy that only high-end houses need or deserve this 'facelift' in order to get top dollar,” Karen said, adding that, “all houses deserve it.” Within one year of starting her business, she secured another employee, and by 2008 she decided to quit real estate altogether and go all in with home staging. She has never looked back. 

Home staging by Stage It!

Home staging by Stage It!

According to the NAR, staging the living room for buyers was found to be most important, followed by the master bedroom, then the kitchen.

Today, her company, Stage It!, in Matthews, is one of at least 30 Charlotte-area home staging companies.

Tina Whitley, a local realtor with Allen Tate, agrees with Karen. Whether through a professional stager or simply taking advice from a realtor, every home needs a thorough decluttering. Tina elaborated, “Every home should be "staged" to some degree before putting it on the market. I tell my sellers that they are moving, so pack up what extras are in the house, make it look like a magazine and get ready to move!” That well-appointed, pared down interior helps buyers see their own furnishings in place, creating a more dynamic connection.

According to several sources, 2019 is trending toward creamy whites with pops of mid-tone blues, natural materials such as rattan on furniture, brushed gold light fixtures and hardware on cabinets, wood flooring, and quartz or marble counters.

Though trends may change, Karen doesn’t see staging “going by the wayside. The way you live at home, and the way you sell a home and the way you market [it] are two different things. I think we’re almost a relief in allowing us to do this work for them.”

Allen Tate's Tina Whitley, A Matthews Staple

I have another #PreserveMatthewsLocalBizInterview for you today! This one is with Tina Breese Whitley, a realtor with Allen Tate Matthews. I've known Tina since I was a teenager and we recently reconnected at a Town Hall event. To say she's a Matthews staple would be an understatement.

Tina Whitey, Realtor, NC & SC
Allen Tate Co.
101 E Matthews St, Ste 100, Matthews, NC 28105

Tina Whitley, Allen Tate Rookie of the Year. Photo via Facebook.

Tina Whitley, Allen Tate Rookie of the Year. Photo via Facebook.

Share a little background/introduction about you: I have been in Matthews for over 30 years, owning my own business, working at BB&T and the Director of the Matthews Chamber of Commerce for over 13 years while raising 3 children and being active in the local community. I am at the Matthews office with Allen Tate but can help buyers and sellers all over the region in NC and SC. My goal is to help as many people as I can and Real Estate allows me to do that daily! I am also involved in Kiwanis, Matthews Executive Group and the Chamber of Commerce. And since Tina is too modest to include this, I'll brag on her a bit: she was recently named the Allen Tate Rookie of the Year Award for the Charlotte Region.

What brought you to establish a business in Matthews? The good schools, lifestyle and great people. The business community is thriving and supportive of local businesses.

What do you believe makes Matthews special? What does the phrase “Preserve Matthews” mean to you? Matthews is fortunate to have leaders and residents who care about the town and want to see it maintain it's small town character. I have been working with the Town and businesses for 30 years and know that the people will work together to help keep the quality of life that we treasure.


What attracts people to the neighborhoods close to downtown Matthews? People who enjoy and want to live in Matthews want to be within walking distance of downtown! It is a very popular town and the amenities for adults and families are wonderful! Parks, greenways, playgrounds, concerts in the park, movies, restaurants, bars, breweries, history, and more!

What’s another business in Matthews you love to support? The non-profits I support 100% are the Matthews Help Center, The Free Medical Clinic and COS Kids. They have formed an alliance and are doing great work!!

Do you have any promos or specials you'd like to offer to Preserve Matthews Community Members? Please call me for any Real Estate or town questions!! I can offer you a free Market Analysis for your home!

This interview was originally posted on Preserve Matthews' Facebook page. Images courtesy Tina’s real estate Facebook page.