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Matthews Morning Minute: October 10, 2018

News About Town: At Monday’s council meeting, Mayor Paul Bailey opened discussion about excessive speeding and pedestrian safety in downtown Matthews. The board brainstormed ideas for deterring speeders - including the addition of traffic furniture, new, higher visibility crosswalks, and increased police presence. So if you’re traveling down Trade or John, heads up! The speed limit is 25 so slow down, enjoy our town! Help keep our town pedestrian friendly.


News Around Town: The Matthews Elementary Boosterthon has been postponed for two days, but don’t fret, hump day can still be fun. For a mere $5 you might discover the next big star to come out of Matthews! The Butler High School Talent Show is tonight in the school auditorium, starting at 7 PM. 1810 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Matthews.

Photo by Norah Burke

Photo by Norah Burke

One Good Thing: IT’S GIVEAWAY TIME!! Mount Moriah Church is having their fundraiser/BBQ next weekend (the 19th and 20th) and we’re excited to support our friends in the community.

Two winners!! We’ve purchased 2 dinners for 2 to giveaway to our readers! Comment on our Facebook post: what’s your favorite way to enjoy BBQ...chicken? Pork? Are you Team Tomato Sauce or Team Vinegar? We wanna know.

Entries close Friday at midnight. We’ll notify winners early next week.

Red Brick Partnership Under Scrutiny by Matthews Residents

Updated 10/9/2018 with corrections

Red Brick Partnership (RBP), a coalition of downtown Matthews businesses, was formed in 2015 by the Town of Matthews and its Economic Development Advisory Committee, and is currently co-chaired by John Urban* (Matthews Commissioner, owner of Urban Architectural Group) and Rob Jacik (owner, Carolina Beer Temple, Temple Mojo, and Seaboard). RBP’s stated mission has been to “promote the awareness of Downtown Matthews, the businesses and citizens that comprise the downtown area as a destination for residents and tourists.” There is presently no public list of Red Brick Partnership members.

Photo by Norah Burke

Photo by Norah Burke

The initial funding for Red Brick Partnership included donations from private businesses and a grant of $20,000 from the Town of Matthews, which was approved by the Town Commission, headed by then mayor Jim Taylor, and including current commissioners Chris Melton, John Higdon, Kress Query, and Jeff Miller. Town Staff provided information regarding actual town expenditures during this period.

In its first year of existence (2014/15), RBP received $10,600 in external donations and/or revenue, submitted directly to the Town of Matthews. With $12,515 in expenditures, the Town used $1,915 of the $20,000 approved by council to cover the difference. In its second year RBP received $7,925 in donations/revenue, and with $17,732 in expenditures the Town covered $9,807 of that amount. The RBP was administered as a town entity from its creation in fiscal year 2014/2015 until it incorporated during fiscal year 2016/2017. During this period Town staff managed and approved all funds going into and out of RBP.

Red Brick Partnership filed as a separate entity in 2016, prior to the separation they received $250 in donations. That year there were $20,040 in expenditures, including $18,393.10 provided directly to Red Brick post incorporation. The Town covered $19,790 in expenditures for fiscal year 2016/17. In RBP’s first full year as an independent organization (2017/18) the town provided $20,000. Total investment of town tax dollars has been $50,115 thus far, with RBP managing $38,393.10 without oversight from Town staff.In July 2018, the Board of Commissioners approved an additional contribution to RBP of $20,000 to be disbursed later this year.

The Town does not have a process to determine whether donations to RBP have resulted in a positive return on investment – through higher spending at local establishments or an increase in visitors to downtown businesses. The town has relied instead on the Town Council representative on the RBP board – currently Mr. Urban – and the representative from town staff – currently Assistant Town Manager Becky Hawke – to ensure town funds are being used appropriately.

Matthews’ continued investment of money and personnel has been provided with the assumption that RBP is a nonprofit organization. RBP’s domain extension (.org), further contributed to the presumption of nonprofit status. However, research performed by Matthews resident Gordon Clemmons uncovered that Red Brick Partnership filed for incorporation with the NC Secretary of State but never applied for nonprofit status with the IRS. As such, RBP has yet to file a 990, if annual donations and in-kind contributions exceeded $50,000 or a 990-N for nonprofits with less income. It is unclear if RBP has filed annual taxes as a business with income.

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At the Board of Commissioners meeting Monday night, Mr. Urban addressed concerns. He maintains that the missed IRS filing was a simple error and was brought to his attention a few months ago. The organization is working to complete their nonprofit filing now. Mayor Paul Bailey expressed support of Mr. Urban and stated the funds approved in 2018 would be disbursed to the organization as soon as they have their paperwork in order.

Mr. Clemmons spoke during the public comment period. He brought up concerns about mismanagement of taxpayer money, potential conflicts of interest, and whether the organization is necessary given the existence of the Matthews Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Advisory Committee. He called for the return of funds given to RBP by the town, for an independent investigation of RBP’s finances, and for Mr. Urban’s resignation.

Mr. Urban did not respond to Mr. Clemmons public comment directly.

*Urban’s own documents and Facebook page denote himself as co-founder of RBP.

Morning Minute: October 3, 2018

News Around Town: While Matthews survived Florence largely unscathed, old trees shed a lot of twigs and limbs. As a result, Republic Services, the waste company that services Matthews, is a bit behind on yard debris pick-up.  Starting today, the Town of Matthews Public Works Department will be working with Republic to finish up Tuesday’s routes. Day-by-day they’ll continue working together until all of the routes are cleared.

Older trees are an interest point for the Town of Matthews.News Above Town: The heat is on as the temps climb back to the upper 80s. Expect some clouds.News Around Town: A local moms group rallied around Tammy Panovich as her husband, Brad, was kept…

Older trees are an interest point for the Town of Matthews.

News Above Town: The heat is on as the temps climb back to the upper 80s. Expect some clouds.

News Around Town: A local moms group rallied around Tammy Panovich as her husband, Brad, was kept at work (WCNC) watching Florence creep in. In an effort to provide meals to the station crew, the moms, led by Matthews mom Amanda McGrath, raised $1325 in under a day. The idea was so popular the Fanovich tee shirt was born. In two weeks 3,100 shirts were sold and $37,001.05 has been raised for charities aiding in storm relief.

amanda fanovich.png

One Good Thing: This Thursday don’t miss the First Thursday Crawl in Downtown Matthews. Expect to find food and drink specials at area restaurants, entertainment, and some local makers selling their wares around the green in front of Town Hall. The fun starts at 5 p.m. 

Matthews Morning Minute: September 28, 2018

News About Town: If you’ve driven down Fullwood Lane recently you might have seen the message board about the town lowering the speed limit. On October 1, 2018 the speed limit will be reduced from 45 to 35. This change came about based on the Public Works Department’s recommendation to the Town Council, who then voted to lower the speed limit.

Don’t say they didn’t warn you.

Don’t say they didn’t warn you.

News Above Town: Afternoon showers and temps in the mid-80s. Speaking of mid-eighties, the high humidity puts Motley Crue #hairgoals well within reach.

News Around Town: Early voting begins October 17, 2018. Polls will be open at the Matthews Library for early voting, but the Matthews location is currently short-staffed. The Mecklenburg Board of Elections pays $12 per hour and the application can be found here. Please contact Marti Duncan ( for more information.

Native plants attract all types of pollinators.

Native plants attract all types of pollinators.

One Good Thing: Backyard Birds in Matthews Festival has a busy Saturday planned. First they’re hosting Lisa Tompkins, owner of Carolina Heritage Nursery, with a native plant sale. Lisa will be on- hand to answer your questions about plants appropriate for your particular yard. Then Debbie Foster, Habitat Steward, Central Carolinas Master Naturalist, Audubon Ambassador, and contributing Beacon writer will be explaining the simple steps toward creating a wildlife habitats. Saturday, September 29, 2018, 11 AM til 1 PM; full details here.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 27, 2018

News About Town: If you’re already making plans for the weekend, make time to meet the Matthews Board of Commissioners for coffee and conversation this Saturday (September 29) at 9:00 a.m. at Bruegger's Bagels (1905 Matthews Township Parkway). These gatherings are a great way to bend an ear of our local leaders and get the firsthand scoop on things going on with the Town of Matthews.

Native asters to brighten a humid day.

Native asters to brighten a humid day.

News Above Town: The Weather Channel says there’s a 90% chance of rain so grab the closest umbrella.

News Around Town: While we’re on the subject of the weekend, this Friday is the last Food Truck Friday of the season. You can’t go wrong with any of the trucks, but our friend Lynn sings high praise for Yummi Banh Mi. The Entertainers will get you dancing after you’ve filled up your belly. If you’re a drinker and plan on visiting the beer tent, bring your ID, they card. Trucks start serving at 5 and event goers will already be in line.

food truck friday.jpg

One Good Thing: Matthews is a town with a giving heart, as evidenced by the incredible nonprofits based in our town. Thompson Child and Family Focus is one such nonprofit. Founded in 1886 as an orphanage, Thompson now serves at-risk children and families from four campuses. Using therapy, education and prevention-based care, in 2017 Thompson served 12,811 clients and provided 225 full-time jobs.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 26, 2018

News About Town: During their November 27, 2017 meeting the Board of Commissioners approved a preliminary design for a pedestrian crossing at North Trade Street between Matthews Station and Brakeman’s/105 Cigar. Town staff estimated hiring a consultant for the preliminary design work would come in around $10,000.

When proposals came back Alta Design, the best qualified firm estimated $81,221 for the preliminary design work. No decision was made and the Board has asked town staff for more information.


News Above Town: If humid and sticky is your thing then you’re in luck this week. The last couple times the Weather Channel has called for storms the forecast changed, but right now they say we can expect afternoon storms and a high around 87.

News Around Town: For more than three decades ArtFest, now Artwalk and MusicFest, has been bringing art to the forefront in downtown Matthews. Beyond the usual Juried Fine Art Show and High School Art Exhibit, and live music, the Matthews Chamber of Commerce has expanded the kids art area as well as  craft beer & wine. Get some extra culture this Saturday, September 29, on the green in front of Town Hall from 10 AM until 6 PM.


One Good Thing: We have a giveaway on our Facebook page! We’re so proud of our Matthews-centric postcards (plus who doesn’t love receiving mail?) that we have 2 sets to giveaway. There are three easy peasy ways to win and you can do any or all for three chances to win!
**Find your favorite post here, then tell us which is your favorite over in the comments on the giveaway post on Facebook.
**While your there, tag a friend in the comments on the giveaway post
**follow us on Instagram

Matthews Morning Minute: September 21, 2018


News About Town: Responding to a request from N.C. State Emergency Management, Matthews Police Department sent four officers to assist Fair Bluff, NC with recovery efforts from Hurricane Florence.

Eventually a total of 18 of Matthews’ Finest will travel to Fair Bluff, a small town still reeling from Hurricane Matthew.

News Above Town: Don’t get too excited, but temps will reach a mild 86 degrees today. Is that fall calling from the distance?

News Around Town: Chris Sottile, the man about town whose personality is as robust as the cheese he mongers, will be doing the final chef demo of the season at the Farmer’s Market this Saturday, September 22.  Be there by 8:50 to get a good seat, the demo starts at 9.  A trio from WDAV's Classical Harvest Concert Series will serenade the main market while you peruse peppers, while Nick Tutwiler, a fourteen-year-old fiddler, will entertain the tailgate section.


One Good Thing: If you’re looking for a way to help, local fire departments are collecting food, bottled water, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies for areas hit hard by Hurricane Florence.

Loose items should be boxed and labeled for quick identification and processing. Deliver donations to the Matthews Fire Department, Idlewild VFD, or Mint Hill Fire & Rescue by September 30.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 20, 2018

News About Town: Saturday, September 22, 2018, from 9:00 AM  12:00 PM, the Town of Matthews will hold a Community Meeting at Matthews Town Hall (232 Matthews Station Street Matthews, NC 20815).  If you’re curious what an overlay means, or if it affects you as a property owner, this will be a good time to get all the answers.

The meeting schedule:

  • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. E. John Street/Outer Loop Small Area Plan

  • 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Entertainment District Small Area Plan

  • 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. - Monroe Road Small Area Plan


News Above Town: The weather seems stuck: high of 89, low around 68. We’ll get a few days of slightly cooler temperatures starting Friday, so at least there’s that.

News Around Town: Family Dollar is packing their bags. In a statement released Tuesday, Family Dollar, a subsidiary of Dollar Tree, announced the consolidation of their headquarters in Chesapeake, VA. The closure will affect approximately 900 jobs.


One Good Thing: Barks and Blooms, a Matthews-based pet sitting service, has organized a supply drive for pets affected by #Florence. Drop off items needed (see list above) at Your Mom’s Donuts or other area locations. Collected items will be taken to high-need areas such as Lumberton and Robeson County.