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2810[high]5: A dog-gone good time

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A Barking Boutique: Looking to pamper your pooch? Treat them to a spa day at the Barking Boutique where they offer services ranging from a full groom, mini groom, or nail trim. Once Fido is clean and beautiful, treat them to a delicious snack from the “Barkery Buffet”, with doggie-safe, human-grade decorated treats.


Bruster’s Ice Cream: We all know the dog days of summer are coming, and our 4-legged friends deserve a break from the heat as well. Bring Fido by Bruster’s Ice Cream for a free doggie sundae, complete with a dog treat on top.

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Neighborhood Feed and Tack: Don’t let the name fool you, Neighborhood Feed and Tack is for more than just your barnyard companion. They offer popular and healthy pet food and supplies for your dog, cat, or rabbit. Prefer the company of a more exotic animal? Neighborhood Feed and Tack can order specialty food for your elephant or earth worm.


Seaboard: With ample outdoor space, you and your well-behaved pupper are always welcome on the massive patio at Seaboard. Ask for a refreshing bowl of water, and you and man’s best friend can both enjoy a cold one.


VeloPops: Matthew’s newest dessert locale also offers a delicious frozen snack for your puppy pal: PupPops! Made with a rawhide stick, dogs can enjoy their PupPop from end to end.

Chicken Keeping: The Rules and Regulations

Photo by Debbie Chopas

Photo by Debbie Chopas

In the age of DIY everything, the popularity of small-scale homesteading, and a reflection on simpler pastimes, chicken-keeping has been gaining popularity over the past decade. Chickens are funny birds, and watching their fluffy waddles can make for a relaxing afternoon. If you’re thinking about getting poultry this spring, though, familiarize yourself with the Town regulations. Knowing the process will save you a lot of headache if your neighbors aren’t on board with your fowl friends.

First, know where to build your coop and how large to make the structure. According to Town Ordinance 91A - Animals, § 91A-42. PERMITS FOR FOWL, EQUINE, CLOVEN-HOOFED ANIMALS, ETC, before purchasing or adopting your chickens, you need an inspection by Animal Control, a division of the Matthews Police Department. Only one permit is required per household, no matter how many birds you have, and that permit must be renewed annually. Animal Control will check to make sure your new hobby won’t make your neighbors sick or unreasonably unhappy. Many of the guidelines are good to follow just because they will keep your birds healthy.

For your neighbors’ sake: Your coop and run must be at least twenty-five feet from the adjoining property line.
Build a castle: The chicken house must be at least 18-inches in height and well-ventilated. You can have up to 20 chickens per acre, but you must have a minimum of 4 square feet of floor space per chicken.
No piles of poop: The run must be well-draining, kept clean, and free from objectionable odors.
No free-ranging: Your chickens must always be confined within the run.
You’ve got to bag it up: The town is specific about handling poop. All droppings and body excretion shall be placed in a fly-proof container and double-bagged in plastic bags.

All in all, it’s a relatively easy process to get the permit, then it’s up to you to stay on top of following the rules. The reward of fresh eggs makes the small hassle at the front-end well worth it.

Bethany Salisbury: Capturing Pets in Paints

Photo of Bethany Salisbury courtesy the artist

Photo of Bethany Salisbury courtesy the artist

I’m lucky to be able to do [this work]. It’s been my passion since I was a kid. I love animals and I love to paint.

Bethany Salisbury, 31, of Matthews, knows a thing or two about pets and pet portraits. That would be nearly 900 things to be exact – the number of pet portraits painted by Bethany in the last handful of years.

A commercial artist, illustrator, and designer, Bethany has had much success with her pet portraiture, illustration and traditional paintings. And, while it is “80% dogs,” it’s also cats, rabbits, horses, birds, elephants, goats, a few ferrets, and sometimes people.

The series "Beer Dogs" will soon be on display at Temple Mojo in downtown Matthews. Photo by Cyma Shapiro

The series "Beer Dogs" will soon be on display at Temple Mojo in downtown Matthews. Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Since her mainstay is on social media, and with online orders, her clients come from all over the world (Australia, Africa, Hong Kong, to name a few places) and throughout the country. “I get a lot of repeat customers,” she said. “Many buy these for gifts.”

A childhood spent at art camp and in private art lessons, with minimal TV watching and maximum encouragement to create, combined with a love of animals led her to do just that: create paper dolls, make graphic novels and comic books about dogs.

“I’ve always grown up with animals,” she said.

The series "Beer Dogs" will soon be on display at Temple Mojo in downtown Matthews. Photo by Cyma Shapiro

The series "Beer Dogs" will soon be on display at Temple Mojo in downtown Matthews. Photo by Cyma Shapiro

While she captures the often impassioned and enamored looks of her subjects - “I think dogs are expressive,” she said. “I think it’s kind of second nature (to intuit their) emotions” - she is also not immune to the whiles of animals, herself. Bethany and her husband are the proud owners of one Miniature Long Haired Dachshund, Mochi, and an Australian Cattle Dog named River.

“I’m lucky to be able to do [this work]” said Bethany. “It’s been my passion since I was a kid. I love animals and I love to paint.”

Morning Minute: November 19, 2018

News About Town: The numerous projects along South Trade Street seem never-ending, in part because there have been several different projects which began in a streaming time line. Currently, NCDOT is working on the expansion of S. Trade Street , a project which was expected to be complete in September 2018. First with a few delays and now colder weather, some of the unfinished items cannot be completed until the spring of 2019. Construction should be complete soon after.

The greenway tunnel under the widened portion of South Trade is a separate project. The tunnel construction will begin after the completion of the road widening (spring 2019) and is being managed by Mecklenburg County.

News Around Town: For those who have noticed the name change on the Coveris signs, TC Transcontinental Inc. purchased the company in May of this year. Coveris, 700 Crestdale Rd, a business previously held by Coveris Holdings S.A. (headquartered in Chicago, Illinois) and produced flexible plastic and paper products (think bags, pouches, and rolls of paper or shrink wrap). TC Transcontinental (headquartered in Montreal Canada) is a flexible packaging printer for many different industries from food packaging to battery wraps. The TC Transcontinental facility in Matthews will create the same flexible paper and plastic products as before the purchase.

One Good Thing: If the cost of vaccines for your pets seems prohibitive, Neighborhood Feed is hosting a low cost vaccine clinic this coming Sunday, November 25, from 1:30 until 3 PM. Through The Pet Stop mobile clinic, state-licensed veterinarians will be on-hand to administer single or multiple vaccines for cats and dogs. Get your pet in tip-top shape for the month of partying ahead.

The Precious Pooches of Matthews

Pawsitively Matthews was this past Saturday in Stumptown Park and we were on the scene to get puppy kisses and photos of the precious pooches. Around 40 pet-centric vendors were set up, including Companion Parrots Rehomed and several dog rescues. Matthews Police did a demonstration with their canine unit as well. We’re pawsitive the event was a success.


Matthews Morning Minute: September 20, 2018

News About Town: Saturday, September 22, 2018, from 9:00 AM  12:00 PM, the Town of Matthews will hold a Community Meeting at Matthews Town Hall (232 Matthews Station Street Matthews, NC 20815).  If you’re curious what an overlay means, or if it affects you as a property owner, this will be a good time to get all the answers.

The meeting schedule:

  • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. E. John Street/Outer Loop Small Area Plan

  • 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Entertainment District Small Area Plan

  • 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. - Monroe Road Small Area Plan


News Above Town: The weather seems stuck: high of 89, low around 68. We’ll get a few days of slightly cooler temperatures starting Friday, so at least there’s that.

News Around Town: Family Dollar is packing their bags. In a statement released Tuesday, Family Dollar, a subsidiary of Dollar Tree, announced the consolidation of their headquarters in Chesapeake, VA. The closure will affect approximately 900 jobs.


One Good Thing: Barks and Blooms, a Matthews-based pet sitting service, has organized a supply drive for pets affected by #Florence. Drop off items needed (see list above) at Your Mom’s Donuts or other area locations. Collected items will be taken to high-need areas such as Lumberton and Robeson County.