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alternative transportation

The People of Matthews: Four Buddies on Bikes

Four buddies out for a ride on a warm fall day, biking their usual daily "60 miles or so." Ranging in age from 44-68, they had stopped to check one of their bikes. Members of various local biking clubs, the oldest one (left) has clocked in about 14,000 biking miles this year.

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

The People of Matthews: Marty Todys

Marty Todys, 64, lives in Matthews. Marty rides 3 1/2 miles every day to and from work. When it rains, his wife comes to pick Marty up, and his bike.

cyma Marty Todys.jpg
I stay on the sidewalks. If there’s a car in the crosswalk, I’m gonna let them know they’re in my crosswalk. I’m 64!
— Marty Todys

Interested in cycle-commuting? According to BikeWalkNC, North Carolina traffic laws treat bicycles as vehicles and treat bicyclists as drivers of vehicles.  Cyclists should be treated with the same safety and respect as other vehicles. More information on cycling laws here.