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Morning Minute: November 14, 2018

News About Town: It’s time once again for Coffee with a Commissioner. Head out in the rain and meet three of our Council Members at 10 AM at Brakeman’s Coffee for a chance to chat. Conversation is led by the attendees at these events, so come ready with all the Matthews questions you’ve been wondering about.

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News Around Town: If you see a particularly hairy looking male police officer around town don’t worry, nobody’s joining ZZ Top. Thirty two Matthews Police officers are participating in No Shave November. Each officer donated $25 to participate and those funds will be donated to Zero Cancer Foundation, a prostate cancer patient advocacy and public awareness group. Check out the Zero Cancer site to learn more and donate.

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One Good Thing: Aside from our obvious obsession with bacon, we at the Beacon also love handmade goods and small businesses. Are you a crafter, baker, candlestick maker? Manicurist or masseuse? Got something that would make a great gift? We have a gift guide for the smallest of businesses at the best of prices: $15! Message us or email Norah about advertising in our Hyperlocal Holiday Gift Guide.