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community building

Matthews' Own Giving Tree

From one woman’s nostalgia for Halloween TV specials of the past, a Matthews mascot was borne.

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If you’ve traveled down Pineville-Matthews Road past the Elizabeth Lane intersection in the last few months, your attention might have been grabbed by a pop of color among the brush lining the road. What started as a surprise Halloween decoration has grown into a seasonal delight for the community, thanks to the efforts of a mystery decorator.

Ms. M (for Mysterious!) prefers her identity to remain a secret, but she shared how the decorating began. “I drive past that stump every day and probably did so many times before I actually noticed it. This was around Halloween, and as we rode past all of the sudden it hit me, that stump reminded me of something from Charlie Brown’s The Great Pumpkin and Disney’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, two cartoons that I loved as a child, and even now as an adult. I told my husband that lonely tree stump was just begging to be dressed up!” Her little idea became a family affair, as her daughter bought and decorated the original pumpkin that made the stump’s “head” and her granddaughters have helped her with some of the decorations.

There was a mishap post-Halloween when one of the branches came down. Ms. M continued to decorate it with just one arm and was surprised and delighted when a stranger reattached the branch with screws and a brace. “I knew it meant something to other people as well. I’d love for that person to know how appreciative I am for that gesture.”

Her efforts continued through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day, and if you drive past this month be sure to catch the stump’s St. Patrick’s Day garb.

Lori Kuhlman, a local runner who passes the stump regularly, has enjoyed the stump’s rotating outfits. “It’s so clever, and I hope this person is having as much fun dressing the tree as the rest of us are admiring it.”

For Ms. M, comments like those keep her going. Neighbors have stopped to thank her when she’s caught in the decorating act, and someone left a note at the tree, thanking her for making their day. “For me, that’s the purpose of the tree stump; to bring a little happiness, a bit of joy, and a smile.”If you’ve traveled down Pineville-Matthews Road past the Elizabeth Lane intersection in the last few months, your attention might have been grabbed by a pop of color among the brush lining the road. What started as a surprise Halloween decoration has grown into a seasonal delight for the community, thanks to the efforts of a mystery decorator.

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After Halloween, one of the branches either fell off or was broken off and I just fixed it up with one arm. When someone reattached the branch with screws and a brace, I knew it meant something to other people as well. I’d love for that person to know how appreciative I am for that gesture.
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Photo credits: Carolyn Trott (pumpkin) , Lori Kuhlman (pilgrim, snowman), Renee Garner (leprechaun)

Photo credits: Carolyn Trott (pumpkin) , Lori Kuhlman (pilgrim, snowman), Renee Garner (leprechaun)

Jessica Moreno: Holding Communities Accountable

Photo by Renee Garner

Photo by Renee Garner

When Jessica Moreno, 25, of Oak Haven Mobile Home Park (near Matthews-Mint Hill Road and Highway 74) saw a rezoning sign at the park entrance last year, her worst fears (amid swirling rumors) were confirmed. The previous owners were planning to sell the 30.26-acre property; the 25 other resident-families would now need to move.

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I know that housing is a major issue. I know it gets harder as Mecklenburg County continues to grow in numbers, daily, and as more beautiful homes and apartment complexes get built.

However, this group of people (who would only qualify for affordable housing) had few options.

For most of the residents who owned their homes but leased the land, there were no available mobile home spaces in Mecklenburg County; many families could not secure a sale or afford to move their homes to other areas. More importantly, Matthews was a town they loved – a place which afforded, as they put it, charm, good schools, safe neighborhoods, and an affordable rent lot.

Jessica, her mother, and sister had seen their share of hard times. Prior to living in the Park, they had endured a rental foreclosed from under them, a few scams (and lost money), and missed opportunities due to external factors beyond their control.

When Jessica’s mother, Maria Dolores Gomez, found the Park, they were elated. A hard-working woman, who had endured years of night shifts in a warehouse job, Maria promptly spent $20,000 - her entire life’s savings - to secure a mobile home and a piece of the Park.  They would find stability and a place they could truly call home. Jessica called it their “diamond in the rough.” That was seven years ago.

This was now.

So, Jessica and her mother set out on a journey to find available options. Her mother began knocking on doors. She organized stay-at-home moms from the Park and went on a mission to find help and legal advice. The group ended up at the Latin American Coalition in Charlotte, which was closed that day. Standing outside the building, a man leaving on a bike noticed their distress. He approached them and asked what their situation was. That man then referred them to his roommate, community organizer and Director of Action North Carolina’s Charlotte office, Hector Vaca, who later spoke to the women and agreed to help.

Enter Jessica.

Having graduated from Independence High, with deep connections to Mint Hill, she was working a full-time job in business development at a local water damage company. As she tells it, her life included her 9-5 job, going to church and working with the Mint Hill Lions Club. Now, she was fighting for her life in a way she was unaccustomed to. This was a fight which had, as she put it, “become highly personal.”

Hector came to the neighborhood and helped the group form a campaign (initially known as #SaveOakHaven, later known as “Oak Haven Affordable Housing Initiative”). He helped guide them toward the media, speaking out at zoning meetings and setting the groundwork to gain public attention.

In the end, he helped secure $8000 from Bainbridge Communities Acquisition for each family, for relocation costs – a relocation plan, as it was called – part of the necessary steps for the town to approve the rezoning.

After winning the settlement, Jessica was transformed. “I did not realize how much power people had when they stuck together and organized,” she said. “To be clear, we did not win this fight. When we formed our campaign, our #1 goal was to keep Oak Haven open. We lost our home and community, but this small win ignited a fire in me that would continue to burn with Action NC’s help.”

The experience and knowledge that this could happen to other communities left Ms. Moreno determined to learn about all things concerning mobile home parks and cooperatives. During this time, she spent more and more time at Action NC and started attending meetings for their Immigrant Rights Chapter, Lideres en Accion.

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My community has paid a price that is far greater than the value of the buildings that will be built where we once existed.

“I would…participate in workshops and started meeting with Charlotte City Council members,” she said. “I knew it was time for a change in my life. I was encouraged to apply for an open position at Action NC (at the end) of 2017.” She started working there in April of 2018.

“I do believe that everything happens for a reason. I know I have been divinely placed here and have experienced what I have experienced for good reason. I now help residents from other neighborhoods organize themselves and fight for what is right.”

This year, she has been working with other tenants around Charlotte and has formed a tenant Justice Chapter where members will focus on making sure people know their rights and have support to organize. Next year, she will be focusing on immigration reform and combating the attacks on immigrants locally.

“My experiences fuel my being with hope and love for the people around me,” said Jessica. “I know that housing is a major issue.  I know it gets harder as Mecklenburg County continues to grow in numbers, daily, and as more beautiful homes and apartment complexes get built.”

“The problem is that, like, in my case, development has come at a great price. My community has paid a price that is far greater than the value of the buildings that will be built where we once existed… The price we paid is in blood. Three hundred fifty apartments will be built on top of 26 hard-working families and seniors. Our blood is its foundation.”

Today, Jessica lives 45-minutes away, in Gastonia. “There was nowhere to move our home,” she said. “I ended up gifting my home in Matthews to a neighbor who has been able to move it and live in it.” Other residents have taken their homes to Gastonia, Monroe, Indian Trail, Wingate, Concord. The remainder – nearly all the rest - are renting in Charlotte.

“I never imagined leaving Mathews under these circumstances,” she said. “I was hurt about it.”

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Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

The reality of not having anywhere to go was very real to me. I was not able to find anything affordable in Mecklenburg County and neither were my neighbors, except the ones who left their homes and lost their investment.
— Jessica Moreno
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However, she feels lucky to have even found an option. “Where I am, I have three sheep, two dogs, and chickens. I was able to buy land in Gastonia with a mobile home. I know I was blessed. But, the reality of not having anywhere to go was very real to me. I was not able to find anything affordable in Mecklenburg County and neither were my neighbors, except the ones who left their homes and lost their investment.”

In the end, her words are bittersweet: “I am Latinx. I am the daughter of immigrants from Mexico. I am a woman. I am affordable housing. If you don’t support any of these things, then, you don’t support who I am... and I am perfectly okay with or without it.”

And, for Jessica, the fight has just begun: “The fight to hold developers, elected officials, and each other accountable in our communities continues. The fight against the attacks on migrants continues. The fight for women’s rights continues. The fight for LGBTQ rights continues.  The fight for senior rights continues. The fight against for tenant’s rights continues. We will continue to fight for environmental justice and keep the police accountable...”  

The Dreamweavers Guild of Matthews


On the first Tuesday of each month, from 6-9 p.m. at the McDowell Arts Center, you will find one to two dozen people, all members of the Dreamweavers of Matthews Basket Guild, diligently and creatively weaving baskets, containers and other related (and usable) wares.  

The beneficiary of their creations is the Matthews Free Medical Clinic.

(In another annual charitable gesture of goodwill, participating members have already created “Baskets of Love,” which will be filled with items of their discretion and given to their “adopted families” for the upcoming holidays.)

For 30 year basket weaver, Nancy Duffie, of Weddington, this is a chance to meet new people, share a love of basket weaving and learn new techniques.  “I am a joiner. I love support groups and community building…I look forward to each meeting to visit, catch up on the latest happenings in everyone's life and sometimes I will weave a basket!” she said. Members come from several communities in this region.

According to the group’s Facebook page administrator, Sharon Williams of Matthews, long-time members are “devoted to teaching their crafts to the next generation of weavers to keep the craft alive.” Once a year, the group also hosts a weaving weekend with a nationally recognized teacher. “It’s a great opportunity to learn new techniques without the expense of traveling,” said Williams.

Basket weaving is the process of weaving or sewing pliable materials into two- or three-dimensional objects, such as containers, mats or trays. In the Dreamweavers’ case, the baskets are usually made of reed or cane, but may also be made from paper or found objects such as antlers, twigs, pine needles, and even leaves from tropical plants. Members usually purchase their materials through North and South Carolina retailers - to help support local artists.

I like to help people see that basket weaving is more than they think it is. Some of our pieces are complex works of art.  
— Sharon Williams

 “I like to help people see that basket weaving is more than they think it is,” Williams said.  “Some of our pieces are complex works of art.  There are even specialty baskets in the Smithsonian!”

While camaraderie, connection and a strong sense that their outlay will benefit others are all important reasons why most members have joined the Guild, there’s also a commonality surrounding the art and creativity of basket weaving that runs paramount to this group. “It amazes me that our little Guild of about 20 people has over 200 followers on Facebook,” said Williams. “I think that means there is a connection to handmade art that people love.”

 Dreamweavers Guild of Matthews:  First Tuesday of each month, 6-9 PM, McDowell Arts Center, 123 E McDowell St, Matthews, NC.





Morning Minute: October 31, 2018

News About Town: News about the Butler shooting has been unfolding. As the Matthews community searches for answers, there are still few. What has become known is that the gun was stolen from a vehicle in Gaston County in August. According to Jatwan Cuffie, the 16 year old shooter, he hid the gun in the woods outside the high school and retrieved it before school Monday. Cuffie was involved in a fight this past weekend with several other boys outside a Matthews Harris Teeter. Bobby McKeithen, the vicitim, was not involved in the fight. According to Cuffie, McKeithen punched him in the face Monday morning.

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News Around Town: Happy Halloween! Trick or treaters are sure to be out around dusk filling their bags with candy. Look for the growing-in-popularity Teal Pumpkin, where kids with allergies can find allergy-friendly treats. For adults, several of the establishments around town are offering spooky specials. However you celebrate (or don’t), exercise caution when driving around town tonight.


One Good Thing: The coast of North Carolina is still in need of support from the inland community after Hurricane Florence. Some schools have lost their entire library collections and many classroom collections have been destroyed by flooding, mold and contamination. Joanna Schimizzi, Matthews resident and teacher, has started a book drive with the goal of collecting one new and like-new book per child (600,000!) living in the 28 majorly affected counties.
If you would like to give or host a book drive click here. For questions or to volunteer, please email Joanna:

Yarn Crafters: a Tightly Knit Group

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Two years ago, Evy Ellis approached the Matthews Public Library about hosting a weekly knitting group – “a place open to everyone, (where) I didn’t need to worry about parking and setting up,” said Ellis. Having knitted since she was 10 years old, she envisioned that the comfort this group might provide – to each other and to others, together with the final product to be donated to others, might serve a worthy purpose in the community.

Through word of mouth, notices around Town Hall, online information and the library calendar, more than one dozen people signed up. Today, they meet twice each month, due to popular demand.

We have given up on knowledge of how to do natural things, use our resources. I’m trying to recapture those as much as possible and I think these ladies are doing the same thing.
— Sandy Davis

The “they” includes (older) women who moved to the Charlotte area to be near children, people already residing in the area and the youngest member – the “resident dessert maker,” who is known for her blue hair.

In addition, they are sometimes joined by a gentleman from Africa who rounds out the group.

“This is a welcoming group,” said Ellis. “It’s an eclectic bunch…very interesting (people). We have a great time talking. Since we meet in the library, the majority of people are prolific readers, and knitters. We discuss books, movies, art, recipes…It reminds me of (a time) when women had quilting gatherings.”

Although conversation is often at a premium, it’s the by-product of the group that takes center stage: scarves, hats, baby blankets, NICU hats, lap blankets (for seniors) at the rate of more than 100 per year. All the knitted creations go to local churches, Room at the Inn, homeless shelters, Meals on Wheels, missions and NICU units (one member transports them to Nashville, when she visits relatives).

In addition to camaraderie, the members get to ogle the great craftwork being created right before their eyes. “I’m astounded by the work – the craftsmanship which the women do,” said Ellis. “They use intricate patterns; some make beautiful things.”

It is a sentiment also reflected in the thank-you cards they receive from the recipients who receive the knitted work.

Do any of the women stand out? “A couple of them are like an assembly line,” laughs Ellis. “I just met some great ladies. We all reach out to each other. I’m (also) glad we can get together and chat.”

Said Sandy Davis, of Weddington, a knitter since her teenage years, “(The group) is totally welcoming.  There is no pressure or social biases. We’re there to share our yarn and be together. I’m glad that these ladies are keeping up with (this craftwork)……We have given up on knowledge of how to do natural things, use our resources. I’m trying to recapture those as much as possible and I think these ladies are doing the same thing.”  

“We’re yarn crafters specifically,” said Davis. “We go there and play with our yarn!”  

Rolande Sowers, of Matthews, is one of the newest members.  A creative person with many artistic interests, in the past, she made dozens of blankets for wheelchair-bound people but had a hard time finding a place for them.  Now, she sees exactly where the fruits of her labor land. “I have only been with the group since the summer. I have enjoyed every bit of it - I’ve even brought my best friend. I have made 25 scarves so far…. We just go at it. I want all my efforts to go to the right people.”

Yarn Crafters meets the first and third Thursday of each month from 2:15 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the Matthews Public Library Activity Room.

Photo by Cyma Shapiro

Photo by Cyma Shapiro